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About us!


Tri-M is a nationally recognized music organization.  Monta Vista Tri-M is the largest music club on campus, and the only music honor society. Join today to foster the growth of your own and the community's music! We are an organization dedicated to bringing music to the rest of the community. We provide many different opportunities for you to share your music, regardless of what instrument (including voice) you play, including performances at senior centers, community festivals, and more!


Requirements to Join

1. Love for music 

2. 3.0 GPA or higher 

To be considered an Active Member of Tri-M, 

You need at least 5 of the following activity points per semester:

 Volunteer events: 1 hour = 1 pt

Attend a meeting: 1/2 point
Attend a concert: 1 pt
Part of a music group outside school: 1 pt
Do performance (concert, recital, competition, meeting, etc): 2 pts

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